According to voting result, held online in 26 September 2021 in The Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Medicine Alumni Association Election Meeting, Kol. Kes. Dr. dr. Wawan Mulyawan, SpBS, SpKP, FINSS, FINPS, AAK was chosen as the General Chairman of The Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia Student Association term 2021 – 2024.
Kol. Kes. Dr. dr. Wawan Mulyawan, SpBS, SpKP, FINSS, FINPS, AAK is a Faculty of Medicine Alumni from 1990, he is also an expert in nerve surgery and active in several humanitarian organization.
The Doctoral Program in Biomedical Science – Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia proudly congratulate Kol. Kes. Dr. dr. Wawan Mulyawan, SpBS, SpKP, FINSS, FINPS, AAK.