The Doctoral Program in Biomedical Science – Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia (DPBS – FMUI) and DPBS Alumni Association held an online webinar on 24th November 2021 from 08.30 A.M. to 11.00 A.M.

This event marked Dr. dr. Lukman Edwar, Sp.M(K) first day as the DPBS Alumni Association chairman, after the handover of chairmanship from  Kol. Kes. Dr. dr. Wawan Mulyawan, SpBS, SpKP, FINSS, FINPS, AAK who was promoted to Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia Alumni Association Chairman for 2021 – 2024. After the handover, DPBS Alumni Association also gave several sharing sessions with the topic focused on stress and time management for a doctoral student.

Dr. dr. Khamelia Malik, SpKJ talked about the stress and burnout that occurs on the doctoral journey, Dr. dr. Astri Budikayanti, SpS (K) talked about how to graduate on time in clinical research on DPBS FMUI, and Dr. apt Ni Made Dwi Sandhiutami, M.Kes talked about how to graduate on time in pre-clinical research on DPBS FMUI. This event was moderated by Dr. Ns. Nova Handayani, S.Kep, M.Sc and Dr. Apt. Bantari Wisynu Kusuma Wardhani, M.Biomed as the master of ceremony.

This event was attended by DPBS students, DPBS program manager, and Alumni.

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